(中文名稱) 上海江晟紡織商貿有限公司
(英文名稱) Shanghai World Fashion (China) Limited
Marcel T. Gotlib
成立日期: 2009年 5月
資 本 金: 165萬 歐元
所 在 地: 上海市靜安區江寧路445號時美大廈20樓B-C座
公司簡介(Company Profile)
作為歐洲總部在華設立的采購中心,從事服裝/服飾等相關產品的采購活動; 業務量從零發展到現今的每年3千多萬美金的采購額;公司在中國各地有50多家供應商,產品更是涵蓋了從嬰兒到成年男女的春夏秋冬的服裝服飾,包括棉衣、夾克、褲子、裙裝、襯衫、T恤、牛仔、泳衣、帽子、腰帶等系列。公司的宗旨是提供讓客戶滿意的產品,為此,公司堅持不斷地發展優質供應商,并以國際通用的AQL1.5/ 2.5的標準對大貨進行檢驗。
Shanghai World Fashion (China) Limited, a young dynamic company with long term roots in different fields of the apparel industry, was established in 2009 to meet the enlarging purchasing request in China. It was invested by Shanghai World Fashion Limited which is located in Hong Kong with hareholders of ORCHESTRA ASIA LIMITED( ) and VEGOTEX INTERNATIONAL( vegotex ).
Start from zero, SWF Shanghai has developed fast and purchase annually more than 30 million US dollars now.
The main objective of SWF is to provide quality work without compromise. In order to achieve the goals, it’s equipped with adequate logistics and staff including Merchandiser dept., QC dept., QA dept., purchasing and following international standards such as AQL 1.5, 2.5.
At present it has more than 50 partner factories in China and 100 in Bangladesh covering all levels of apparel industries. The Products ranges from NEW BORN, baby, kids, teenagers to adult Men and Women, including Jackets, T-shirt, pullovers, Woven items (top and bottoms), denim, swimming wear, underwear, caps, belt, bag, etc. The production units are from allover China and therefore SWF has groups of QCs taking care about the productions and sampling as well as conducting inline and final inspections and reporting daily to the office in Shanghai.
Currently SWF Shanghai is made up of Business Dept., QC Dept., Technician Dept., Adm. Dept. etc. With stable growing business, we need your joining to develop together. SWF will provide competitive salary and working place.