Helios Labs Technology LTD is a leading provider of total network media solutions to the digital home entertainment market. We have an ardent vision of the future of our digital entertainment experiences - a complete digital home entertainment system that brings together all the digital media, allowing consumer to access them wherever at ( beyond ) their home, whenever and however they want.
With our strong passion for all things audio-visual, together with solid background in IT; we focus on developing next-generation products since we believe in pioneering innovation to boost the digital experience and revolutionize the digital lifestyle of our consumers.
Helios Labs Technology LTD 是一家庭數字媒體網絡提供商,提供家庭數字娛樂的整合解決方案. Helios Labs依托有很強勁IT和視聽產品經驗,科研團隊的技術優勢,遵循誠信為本的公司理念,為客戶提供服務,推動下一代“數字生活革命”。Helios Labs Technology在全世界多個國家和地區設有銷售中心,包括美國、加拿大、英國、澳大利亞、香港等世界發達地區,貿易范圍遍及五大洲202個國家和地區。