寬源環境是一家具備15年行業經驗的專業環境清潔服務商,公司1200名左右員工長期致力于向大型國企、世界500強跨國企業、甲級寫字樓和展館等場所提供高品質的環境清潔方案。寬源環境現為上海市市容環境衛生協會會員和上海市建(構)筑物清洗保潔專業委員會會員,建構筑物內保潔二級資質企業(上海保潔公司中 壹級+貳級共15家左右)。
KuanYuan (Top System) is a specialized cleaning solution provider with 15 years experience. We have round 1200 employees dedicated to offering excellent cleaning services to Fortune 500 companies, exhibition halls, Level A offices and hotels. We are the membership of Shanghai trade association of city appearance and environmental sanitation and the specialist of Shanghai architecture cleanliness as well.