概況General Introduction
全新開業的上海綠地萬怡酒店是首家入駐嘉定城區的國際著名品牌酒店,隸屬世界五百強之一的美國萬豪集團。酒店位于嘉定核心商圈,交通便利,毗鄰軌道交通11號線,坐擁243間舒適且配備先進設施的客房,能同時滿足現代商務人士和旅游者的不同需求。酒店內部設備齊全的商務中心和健身中心,以及為您提供一系列美味佳肴的高級時尚餐廳MoMo Café,更足以讓每一位中外住客流連忘返。
The new Courtyard by Marriott Shanghai Jiading, Jiading District’s first international brand hotel, is designed for business and leisure travelers not only motivated by success, but who crave travel’s refreshing escape from the same old, daily grind. The Courtyard guest balances achievement with enjoyment, actively managing the demands of being on the road with the pursuit of well-deserved personal time.
The new Courtyard by Marriott Shanghai Jiading boasts 243 spacious guest rooms ‘in the sky’ including 65 executive floor rooms, 9 suites and 1 Premier Suite.
Standing out from the pack with legendary Marriott service and standards, guests can enjoy all the comforts and latest technology meeting both work-time and leisure needs including fully-equipped business and fitness center.
開業日期Opening Date
September, 2010
酒店地址Hotel Address
中國 上海 嘉定區滬宜公路3101號(毗鄰地鐵11號線白銀路站)
電話:021-3991 6888
3101 Huyi Highway, Jiading District, Shanghai, China
Phone: 021-3999 6888
籌備辦公室地址 Pre-opening Office
中國 上海 長寧區長寧路1158號(毗鄰地鐵2、3、4號線中山公園站)
電話:021-5241 7000轉182 人力資源部
1158 Changning Road, Changning District, Shanghai, China
Phone: 021-3999 6888