自成立以來 在幾年 拼搏、進取和發展中積累了豐富 航運代理經驗。公司以其擁有高素質的專業人員迅捷的**代理網絡和完善的管理制度立足于航運代理業,并以優質的服務和良好的信譽深得廣大客戶首肯和信賴。
由于公司與多家國內外大型船公司(PIL COSCO CSCL EMC MISC SCI CMA MSK等)長期密切合作 并簽有合作協議 因此我們能為客戶安排快捷準確 船期 提供安全可靠 服務和盡可能低廉 價格 已獲得國內外客戶 廣泛首肯和信賴 在客戶中有著良 口碑 尤其在歐地 中東 印巴 紅海 南美 非洲等第三世界 國家又更大 優勢 公司每月有400-600TUE 箱量是發往這些地區 因而船公司拿 運價在市場很有競爭力
上海貿得實業有限公司業務范圍:承辦海運、空運、陸運進出口貨物 國際、國內運輸代理業務 包括:集裝箱、件雜散貨 攬貨、訂艙、租船、倉儲、中轉、集拼箱、裝/拆箱、結匯、報關、保險及相關 運輸代理及咨詢業務。
Shanghai Model Industry Co.,Ltd. is located in Shanghai, the international shipping center of China.
In quite a few years of sustaining progressing and development, the company has accumulated extensive experience as a transportation agent. We boast high-quality professionals, fast international agent network and standard management system. Our top-notch service and good reputation has been winning trust from our clients.
Owing to our close cooperation with big shipping companies from both domestic and abroad, such as PIL,COSCO, CSCL, EMC, MISC, SCI, CMA, MSK, we can arrange quick and accurate shipping schedule, providing a secured and reliable service with a reasonable rate as low as possible. In particular, with a monthly 400-600 TUE containers delivered to countries in Europe, Middle East, India and Pakistan, the Red Sea, South America and Africa, we are able to offer a really competitive rate to these areas.
The business scope of Shanghai Model Industry Co.,Ltd. covers import & export cargos through ship, air and land transportation and logistic matters including cargo canvassing, booking, ship chartering, storage, transit, consolidation, loading and unloading of containers and miscellaneous bulk combined containers. We also takes care of exchange settlement, customs declaration, insurance business and related transportation consultation.