**六大洲有超過1000所華德福學校,華德福教育乃**大的學校組織機構。魯道夫 史代納在1919年創建的華德福教育,是建立在深刻理解人的發展,特別是對孩子成長發展的理解基礎上的教育體系。該教育注重培養孩子自然的好奇心和探索意識,同時激發孩子的智力. 華德福老師試圖將教育模式轉化為藝術形式,讓孩子們的身、心、靈的整體都得到全面發展, 讓孩子能夠成長為一個有自信,有創造力,能夠思考,并且對社會和環境有著強烈的責任感的人。
華德福國際夏令營是一個國際性的非盈利組織, 該組織是中國唯一一個由長期生活在上海的國外華德福畢業生和中國華德福的新生力量代表共同合作建立的組織.該組織和德國,拉脫維亞,美國,加拿大和俄羅斯的華德福學校均有合作關系。
With more than 1000 Waldorf Schools on six continents, Waldorf education forms the largest network of independent schools in the world. Developed by Rudolf Steiner in 1919, Waldorf education is based on a profound understanding of human development that addresses the needs of the growing child. Education fosters the child’s natural curiosity and sense of wonder while stimulating intellectual awareness. Waldorf teachers strive to transform education into an art that educates the whole child—the heart and the hands, as well as the head (the will, the feelings and the thinking of a child), it inspires children to evolve into confident, creative, comprehensive thinkers with a strong sense of social and environmental responsibility.
World Waldorf Camp is an international non-profit organization based in Shanghai, China. It is the only international Waldorf organization in China run by foreign Waldorf graduates and Chinese educated Waldorf people. Waldorf Camp cooperates with Waldorf Schools in Germany, Latvia, USA, Brazil, Canada and Russia.
World Waldorf Camp’s main emphasis is on organizing Summer Camps (for children aged 8 to 18 years old) in remote areas of China (for example – Great Wall National Park near Beijing) and Family Camps (for children aged 0 to 7 years old and their parents) in natural environments (for example – Organic Phoenix Farm in Beijing).