mandarin king is a mandarin language training institute that delivers effective and efficient training solutions to corporate and individual student needs. we are proud of our reputation as a provider of systematic easy-to-learn modules, proven methodology and tailor-made learning programs by our certified professionals who have broad knowledge and experience in teaching mandarin.
mandarin king's programs meet learning needs in term of content, flexible access and progression. classes are stimulating , challenging and enjoyable. progressive content allows students to expand vocabulary, develop controlled grammar and most importantly to speak chinese spontaneously and comfortably.
mandarin king instructors are graduates of top university degree programs, including applied linguistics, english, teaching chinese as a foreign language and literature. we have instructors who spak japanese, german, french , and spanish as well as all speaking english.
client leaming interests are served ranging from basic applications to daily life up to a wide variety of special fields. concentrations are available for selection including business; china law;finance and economy; chinese culture and history; political affairs; geography and travel; training for hsk examinations.
mandarin king's clients include executives of corporations including adidas, air new zealand, apple, auchan, bayer, blue scope steel, carrefour, p&g, louis vuitton, sodexho, pwc, siemens and rbs and many other valued clients.