上海濾泉貿易有限公司是美國johns manville公司過濾材料在中國大陸的獨家代理商。jm公司從20世紀40年代就開始提供過濾解決方案,目前是**提供過濾材料品種多的公司之一。jm公司在**擁有三個技術研發中心,它的多種過濾材料是業界公認的代表高品質的標桿性產品。
ecofend (hongkong) trading co., limited is the sole and exclusive distributor of johns manville filtration media in asia. jm filtration has been providing filtration solutions since the 1940's and offers one of the widest arrays of filtration products in the world. employing three technology centers globally, johns manville filtration offers the best solution for any of your filtration needs.