上海良順餐飲有限公司,Napoleon Chocolate Bar (拿破侖巧克力吧) 旗艦店位于鬧中取靜的巨鹿路, 路旁遍值枝葉繁茂的法國梧桐, 步行至淮海路,南京路幾分鐘路程。分店位于陸家嘴金融中心的正大廣場。Napoleon Chocolate Bar 曾獲得過2011年ICS上海外語頻道年度甜品餐廳大獎。現急招若干咖啡師、西點師和服務員。本公司系用多勞多得的方針,對員工獎懲分明。對工作認真,專業技術高的員工進行考試加薪,以鼓勵員工。使其更好的為用工企業和公司服務,同時也為員工自己創造一些更好的生活環境,從而形成一個良性循環。歡迎對咖啡服務行業有興趣的朋友加入我們,與公司共同成長、開拓美好的未來。
Napoleon Chocolate Bar was founded and name for that reason. In March 2011, Napoleon Chocolate Bar opened its first dessert themed cafe on the leafy street of Julu Rd within Shanghai’s former French Concession. Napoleon Chocolate Bar is first in Shanghai to introduce chocolate fondue, mud cake and strawberry blossom (a chocolate coated strawberry bouquet). Napoleon Chocolate Bar Super Brand Mall store also opened its door in February 2013. Our mission is to continue to tell the legendary stories of chocolate in China.
Within the period 12 months, Napoleon Chocolate Bar has been awarded “2011 Best Dessert Spot” by ICS Shanghai English Channel and “Shanghai’s Best Dessert Cafe” by China’s most respected online rating site dianping. Napoleon Chocolate has also received many other numerous awards and recognitions by some of the leading media sources, such as Shanghai Daily, Timeout Magazine, Global Time, etc. Today, Napoleon Chocolate still holds a “5 Star” rating on dianping.