上海綠桐酒業有限公司是一家專門經營進口葡萄酒、傳播世界葡萄酒文化的公司,通過精選**范圍內的優質葡萄佳釀,以“綠桐酒窖Lucton Wine Cellar”葡萄酒專業連鎖為平臺,為中國消費者帶來豐富的葡萄酒品鑒體驗。
Shanghai Lucton Wine Cellar Co., LTD. Is a company specializing in the imported Wine, spread the world Wine culture company, through the selected global quality grape Wine, with " Lucton Wine Cellar " Wine professional chain as a platform for bring Chinese consumers become Wine rich experience.
Shanghai Lucton Wine Cellar Co., LTD has will France, Spain, Italy, Australia, America, and Chile, Germany and Argentina and other countries more than 50 manor and the wine professional manufacturers, 200 types of famous wine to China; At the same time, with the countries all over the world famous wine group cooperation, and from all over the world selection the best wines, to meet the needs of Chinese wine lovers.