我公司是2008成立的以超高壓水表面處理為主營業務的一家合資公司,與國內大型船舶企業都有相關合作。如:上海關船廠、天津新港船廠、青島北海船廠、南通中遠船廠、上海華潤大東船廠、中海工業(長興島)基地、上海中遠船廠、舟山中遠船廠、東邦船廠、龍山船廠等知名企業合作。 我公司主要從事船舶工程,船舶修理,船舶配件等業務,多年以來超高壓水除銹等特涂項目為我公司主營業務。竭誠歡迎有識之士加入我公司。
上海綠洋船舶工程有限公司位于中國黃金海岸的中點地區,素有“長江門戶、東海瀛洲”之美譽的上海市崇明縣。本公司專業從事船舶工程,船舶修理、除銹,船用配件、機電設備、金屬制品、五金交電的的銷售,貨物及技術的進出口業務。 本公司擁有國際先進的除銹設備(Hydro-jet blasting)、科學完善的管理方式和豐富的現場施工經驗。同時,我們還有一個非常專業、知識淵博、經驗豐富、**的工作團隊。作業現場清潔、環保、低噪音、無污染。 我們相信,在“質量**,信譽至上”方針指引下,我們公司將創造一個美好的未來。我們特此聲明:合作期間,我們一定遵照我們合同上的每一個字,并采取了的品質和優良的服務。這是我們的目標。 歡迎您的惠顧! Shanghai Ly marnine Engineering Co., Ltd is located in the middle of the Gold Coast area, known as "gateway to the Yangtze River, the East China Sea Ying Chow" the reputation of Shanghai Chongming County. Our company is mainly engaged in Hydro-jet blasting. We own a very professional,knowledgeable and experienced working team. Our company is equipped with advanced equipments,perfect management and rich experience. Workshops to keep clean, environmentally friendly, low noise, no pollution. We believe on the principle of “quality and reputation come first”,and our company will create a bright future.Hereby we declare:we must follow out every words of contract during our cooperation,and take the first-class quality & excellent services as our aims. We’re looking forward to your arrival.