上海美月貿易有限公司,是**大DM專業公司美國直郵公司(Mail America)旗下子公司。美月繼承了美國直郵公司(Mail America)好的技術力量及始終如一的服務理念,把它們帶到中國市場,并成為專業直郵廣告行業中的領跑者。
美國直郵公司(Mail America)以小投入創造出可預見的大利益為使命,服務于半數以上的世界500強公司,涉及金融、電子電器、房地產、家居建材、汽車、美容美體、IT服務等領域,現擁有400多名員工,2009年的營業額超過2.5億美元,已在加拿大,墨西哥,中國設立子公司。
Mail America was created for the retailer by a retailer. Our goal is to get customers into your location and to have their experience be successful for them and you. Our state-of-the-art technology keeps us out in front of the competition by giving our clients things other companies can’t even begin to offer. From laminated postcards with tear-out gift cards to proprietary barcode scan technology, Mail America has what it takes to get your registers ringing. Whether you are an individual retailer, a buying group, or an agency, Mail America has the solutions you need to have successful events time and time again.