Intelligent Mgt as a Human Resources & Management Consulting company in China, it is managed by three leading HR consultants who collectively have more than 25 years of hands-on experience in the industry. Currently Intelligent has five offices in China, and alliance partners in Korea, Australia, Singapore and America.
Member of Globesearchgroup which has offices in 10 countries in the world
Intelligent Mgt is China’s Representative of Next Career Consulting which is the AP member of Arboraglobal Group in providing HR consulting services in 25 countries over the world
Through our global offices, we have access to an enviable and extensive network of contacts and wide sources of information across the world
攬智管理咨詢是一家提供高級人才專業獵頭服務的國際化公司,目前在國內有上海、蘇州、天津、北京4家分支機構,在亞洲地區,有韓國及新加坡2家分支機構,在澳大利亞,與Geddes Parker & Partners結成戰略合作伙伴。 其中國區合伙人團隊在地產、汽車機械、化工及金融等領域有超過10年以上的咨詢及人力資源高管經驗。