Found in 2002, Multiresources is a business consulting company specializing in enterprise strategic solutions at Marketing & Sales, Human Resources,Finance and other corporate functions for the clients excellence operation in China. We accomplish clients' assignments through an approach that combines a broad knowledge of business issues with a deep understanding of specific industries. Our consultants are known for their highly collaborative, team-oriented approach to working with our clients and with each other.
創建于2002年的Multiresources是專門研究企業戰略解答的商務咨詢公司,主要的咨詢服務領域包括:營銷&銷售、人力資源、財務和其他企業運營。致力于幫助客戶公司在中國的發展。我們通過與對具體產業的深刻的理解結合企業問題寬廣的知識的方法完成客戶委托的項目。 我們的顧問以他們的高度合作精神,針對團隊的工作方法被我們的客戶廣泛認同。