DNV Introduction
Det Norske Veritas (DNV) is a global provider of services for managing risk. Established in
1864, as an independent foundation with the objective of safeguarding life, property and the
environment, DNV comprises 300 offices in 100 countries, with more than 9,000 employees.
DNV's technology understanding blended with competency within risk management makes it
possible to offer innovative services that meet customers' needs across industries and countries.
DNV is recognized as a trusted partner for improved quality, safety and efficient operations in
high risk global industries.
The operations in DNV Business Assurance are based on DNV's global position as a leading
provider of certification services and strong competence within risk management. There is a
clear trend towards more Business Assurance-specific certification schemes, which will increase
the need for a deep understanding of the various industries. In DNV new strategy, increased
attention is given to global Business Assurance sectors and with major international companies.
DNV aims to create trust and confidence and help our customers safely and responsibly improve
The selected sectors are capital intensive, and have a need for and are open to adapting a risk
based approach. Main services include certification of systems and products, assessment and risk
management services.
挪威船級社(DET NORSKE VERITAS)成立于1864 年,總部位于挪威首都奧斯陸,是一家**的專業風險管理服務機構,以“捍衛生命與財產安全,保護環境”為宗旨的基金組織。
DNV 為客戶提供全面的風險管理和各類評估認證服務,主要涉及船級服務,認證服務,技術服務等方面,其在**100 個國家中設立了約300 個分支機構,員工逾9000 人,來自**85 個不同的國家和地區。挪威船級社作為世界知名的船級社和國際認證機構,DNV 以科技知識及經驗為服務基礎, 主旨為保護生命和財產, 也為保護大自然環境而效力, 竭盡所能為客戶管理風險, 而世界各地的辦事處為機構造就一個靈活**率的服務網絡,作為一家以知識為本的公司,DNV 的主要財產是員工的創造力,知識和專業技術,如今,DNV 在大中國地區建立了完善的服務網絡,在20 個城市設有36 家辦事機構,員工數超過850 人。
DNV 業務促進部是國際的認證機構,也是提供風險管理解決方案的**性機構。其目標是幫助客戶建立公信度,安全、負責地改善他們的經營業績。服務內容涉及管理體系認證、氣候變化、企業責任、產品認證以及針對企業主要商業風險分析和評估的培訓服務。DNV 業務促進部的客戶來自于大多數工業部門,主要針對的行業有食品與飲料、IT 與電信、汽車、醫療保健、物流運輸、金融、流程工業、公用部門等。我們不僅提供針對具體行業的特定服務和解決方案,也有跨行業的一般服務。領導地位的認證機構