強輝(上海),是外商獨資風險商務咨詢公司,立足國內主要為中外企業提供廣泛的服務如投資咨詢,商務拓展,技術轉讓,管理策劃,資源采購。 在她的參與下,她的合作伙伴致力于用于食品,工業化學品,醫藥、農用產品及汽車的特種化學品的生產和服務。
SSBCC is a business venture company and provides a wide range service on investment consulting, business development, technology transfer, management skill, and outsourcing to Chinese and foreign companies. With his participation, its partners work on manufacturing of specialty chemicals in the application of food, industrial chemicals, pharmaceutics, agrochemical and automotive.