人頭馬集團(rémy martin)建立于1724年,君度集團(cointreau)建立于1864年。1991年,這兩大歷史悠久的法國集團合并成為國際著名的人頭馬君度集團(rémy cointreau),擁有膾炙人口的干邑(cognac),力嬌酒(liqueur)和香檳(champagne),例如louis xiii,rémy martin xo和v.s.o.p。為了進一步發展亞洲市場尤其是中國市場,人頭馬君度集團于2006年在上海注冊成立了全外資的上海人頭馬貿易有限公司。.rémy cointreau freely combines centuries of expertise with a daring spirit , to please enthusiasts and connoisseurs who are passionate about excellence and quality . rémy martin , cointreau , piper-heidsieck , metaxa and mount gay rum all speak to the heart . these brands proudly proclaim their originality , closely combining a demand for perfection and contemporary expectations , with prestige and conviviality . the appeal of the brands' premium attitude increases each day . as unique and original brands , audacious yet loyal to their origins , both their inimitable personality and attraction originate from a complex alchemy , combining heritage and innovation ..rémy is always looking for high calibers...just like our brands.