隨著設計行業的成熟,企業界對于創新認識的深入,產生了中國設計戰略的市場需求和發展的廣闊空間。 橋中CBi China Bridge是中國**家設計管理咨詢公司,歡迎睿智、熱情、有事業心、熱愛設計、富有團隊精神的您加入我們,與我們一同享受創造價值的幸福、解決問題的樂趣,以及和諧融洽、唯才是舉的企業文化。這里崇尚創新和卓越,有與**頂級資源合作、與富靈感的人交流的機會,有市中心500平方老洋房的給力工作空間 。 我們期盼和您共創中國的設計咨詢管理顧問品牌!(公司主頁:shcbi)
In the wake of ripe design industry and deeper understanding of innovation from business circles, market and expansion space for Chinese design strategy are in demand. CBi China Bridge, as the first design consulting company in China, embraces intelligent, energetic, aspiring people with design-loving heart and team work spirit. You will enjoy creating values and conquering obstacles under harmonious corporate culture appointing people on their merits. We worshipping creativity and excellence have great opportunities to cooperate with top companies and to communicate with resourceful talents in a gelivable working space, 500㎡ villa downtown. We look forward to co-creating the top design consulting brand in China with you!(Company website: shcbi)