上海三本品牌策劃有限公司,EZW DESIGN是一家中法合資公司,公司至力于為國際一線品牌及中國中服飾品牌的櫥窗展示設計、特殊服飾門頭設計及商業空間設計和道具制作等提供專業服務公司。公司擁有強有力的設計團隊---意大利零售端的世界級櫥窗設計團隊(櫥窗服務品牌有ARMANI、CUCCID&G)、法國商業空間設計團隊和國內資深的服飾品牌商業空間設計及品牌運營團隊。公司在上海奉賢也擁有3萬多平方工廠展示道具制作基地,為國際品牌如CHENAL、BALENCIAGA、LOCASTE、GUESS、NIKE等國外一二線品牌及中國眾多知名品牌提供展示道具制作和現場裝修服務。服務網絡遍布全國22個城市,是國內少數擁有大型終端形象專業設計及展示道具制作服務的公司之一;目前已完成6500家連鎖單店的服務;工程安裝隊的足跡已踏遍全國各地,可同時為100家單店提供服務,國際化專業化設計團隊和精湛工藝的道具制作團隊及嚴格的質量管理體系為您成功拓展市場保駕護航。
公司服務理念是“為國際服飾品牌提供適合中國文化的展示設計及制作服務,為中國服飾品牌提符合中國市場并具有國際化的展示設計和制作服務”。公司服務宗旨是“專業、創新、定制 ”。
EW GROUP is a company of Sino-French joint venture, dedicated to provide professional services such as shop image design, window display design, large-scale commercial space design, props making, decoration and so on. We have strong designer teams— world class window design team of Italy retail-end (window service brands such as ARMANI, CUCCI and D&G), French commercial space design team and domestic senior commercial space design team of clothing brands. In Fengxian district, Shanghai, we have a display props production base that covers an area of more than 40,000m2, which can provide display props and site decoration for international brands including foreign first & second-tier brands (such as Benz 4S store, GUCCI, CHANEL, BALENCIAGA, LACOSTE, GUESS, NIKE and so on and) and many Chinese well-known brands. Our service network spreads domestic 22 cities, South-east Asia, Europe and so on. EW GROUP is one of the few companies that have professional large terminal image design and display props production in China.
Our service concept is “ To provide display design & production service that suits Chinese culture for international clothing brands, and to provide display design & production service that meets Chinese market and has international characteristics for Chinese clothing brands”. Our service purpose is “ professional, innovative and customized”.
We need more talents to join our team because of our expanding business.