Company Background:
Founded in 1992 and acquired by ISI Emerging Markets in 2005, CEIC has had over 18 years of well-regarded reputation in the financial information service industry. Our worldwide clientele includes leading economists, strategists, equity analysts, fund managers and professional researchers. Please visit our website: ceicdata.
ISI Emerging Markets is a Euromoney Institutional Investor Company, headquartered in New York USA and has built a reputation of being the most comprehensive and preferred subscription resource through its flagship Emerging Markets Information Service at securities.
CEIC Data’s “best in class databases” deliver the most accurate and timely economic, sector and financial data from around the globe. Our analysts on the ground compile and update hundreds of thousands of data series from hard to get sources, delivering a suite of database relied upon by top Economists and Analysts the world over.
Global Professional Team:
In addition to worldwide headquarters in New York and European headquarters in London, our professional team is working at a further 26 offices in Asia, Africa, Europe and Latin America with more than 500+ staffs.