上海適家塑膠制品有限公司是專業生產高檔塑料簸箕(畚斗)、高級塑料掃把、塵推、平推、地板擦,擦窗器,膠棉拖、棉紗拖把、擰水拖把等產品的企業.公司擁有完整、科學的質量管理體系,產品質量上乘,深受廣大客戶的喜愛,公司講誠信、講質量,對產品質量嚴要求,一度獲得業界的好評。歡迎各界朋友蒞臨參觀、指導和業務洽談。Shanghai comfortable home plastic products Co., LTD is specialized in the production of high-grade plastic dustpan (BenDou), senior plastic broom, dust pushing, pushing, flat floor, washing Windows machine, rubber cotton, cotton yarn twist mop, drag the products such as water mop enterprise. The company has complete and scientific quality management system, the product quality excellent, favored by the majority of customers. The company stresses integrity, to tell the quality of product, highest quality, once get the praise of the industry. Welcome friends from all circles to visit and guide and business cooperation.