SilkRoad Group是**的綜合性人才管理解決方案供應商之一。擁有超過15年的專業人力資源解決方案的研發和**項目實施經驗。總部位于美國芝加哥,目前在歐洲、北美及亞太地區設有20多家分支機構。公司在人才管理和云計算技術領域獲得了許多的榮譽和獎項,包括:2010年度**云計算和SaaS服務先鋒企業100強;2009和2010年度連續兩年被評為全美快速成長高科技企業50強;2010年度全美佳商業企業獎;被Gartner評選為2010年度**佳人才管理解決方案10強等。集團大中國區總部設在上海,并在武漢設立了中國數據中心。
SilkRoad Group is the world leading talent management solution vendor, with over 15 years of experience in talent management solutions and global project implementation. Our SilkRoad Life Suite helps increase efficiency in recruitment, on boarding, assessment, and training. We aim to cover all the stages of an employee's career, from talent discover, training, and requisition. SilkRoad group's headquarter is located in Chicago, US, we now have over 20 offices and more than 500 employees in Europe, North America, and Asia Pacific. We have more than 3,000 customers spanning all industries, company sizes (ranging from 500 and 200,000) and locations (in 75 countries).