公司先后為奢侈品牌DIOR Fashion , Prada , DIOR Watch, Zenith , TAG 以及LVMH集團的多個品牌服務, 以及在化妝品領域先后為ANNASUI , Sisly , GUERLAIN,ESTEE LUDER ,Lancome , HR以及歐萊雅集團的多個品牌服務,在過去的日子里,公司秉承嚴謹的質量管理制度,可靠的質量,確??蛻裟軌虻玫絻炠|的服務。
Globe A . advertisting Company in Shanghai was founded in 2004.The main service is for the domestic luxury companies. Our company has been improved professional in Exhibition Design, Counter Design, Event Planning and Manufacture and Installation of the showcase during the six years.
The company has offered best servieces for the luxury brand ,for example, DIOR Fashion, Prada, DIOR Watch, Zenith, TAG as well as many brands from LVMH Group. In the field of cosmetics , our company has cooperative relations with ANNASUI, SISLY, GUERLAIN, ESTEE LUDER, LANCOME, HR and many brands from the L'Oreal Group. In the past years, our company made our best efforts to offer excellent service to our customers by the strict quality management system.