Active X China is established in 2008 and we devote ourselves to offer a number of services such as information,exhibition,consultation and advertisment to global customers.The headquarters of Greater China district is located in Shanghai,and it is equipped with the branch in Beijing.It has already offered strong decision support to more than 27600 clients so far.
Active X China(上海商賢人才服務有限公司) 成立于2008年,致力于為**客戶提供信息、會展、咨詢、廣告等多種服務,涉及銀行,醫藥,化工,高科等多個行業領域。大中華區總部位于上海,在北京設有分支機構。自成立至今,已經為行業上的27,600多家客戶提供了強有力的決策支持。