上海特力潔清潔有限公司是經上海市工商局正式注冊、注冊資金 500 萬人民幣、具有法人資格的專業清洗、保潔有限公司。我公司現有各類專業技術和管理人員 400 余人,員工1000余人,擁有的管理軟件和世界的先進保潔設備,我們建立了靈活快速的信息反饋制度、嚴格緊密的現場指導系統、穩定良好的供求關系,已經與數十家企事業單位建立了長期的業務關系,并獲得客戶的一致好評。
shanghai Special Cleaning Industrial Park Co. Ltd is the company registered in Suzhou Industrial and Commercial Administration Bureau, registered fund is 1000000RMB.We are the professional one to provide you the cleaning service. There are more than 400 people worked in our team including technique, operation, service team etc We have not only the strongest managing team but also the equipment is the most professional one throughout the word, We have set up the most efficient operation team which have already successful in information than sport system between our clients and us. With the strictly controlling system on the spot, we keep the closed relation with our customers. During the improvement, we have cooperated with many clients for long term and we have got a lot of the honor from them.
Our service performance depends on the high-technique skills, we insist to using the product which is recycle one during our jobs when we receiving the service order, We can provide you all kinds of the cleaning service which is including not only the building clean, supermarket, hypermarket, factory , hospital, school but also including the construction, air-condition, maintain the surface for the ground which is made from all kinds of the factors. More than this, we also sell the cleaning equipment and products.
According to the best management, equipment, skill, price and best service, we try to provide you a perfect surrounding with the best service, the best process. We are duo to become your closed working partner, try our best to provide you a very clean, environmental and nice world!