上海通飾寧豪斯時裝貿易有限公司NTS Ltd. 位于上海靜安區南蘇州路,是一家一體化的服裝貿易公司,德國Steilmann集團和中國安徽華茂集團(上市公司華茂股份是其子公司)是其兩大股東。公司作為Steilmann在亞洲的采購中心,不僅具有完備、**的采購系統,而且擁有多年的產品開發、設計和生產經驗。而公司與華茂股份合資的服裝加工廠,位于安徽省安慶市經濟技術開發區內,項目計劃共建立4個車間,員工2000多人,目前已有一個車間投入生產。與此同時,公司正在中國籌備開展零售業務。
NTS Ltd. is a joint adventure of Steilmann, Germany and Huamao Group, Anhui, China. The company is a fully integrated garment producer in China with 50 years experience in product development, production and key accounting. NTS' own manufacturing plant is currently having one factory unit with 10 sewing lines and 480 workers in Anqing economic developing district. The final size of this factory will be 4 factory units with 40 sewing lines and almost 2000 workers. Moreover, NTS is now planning retailing marketing in China.