上海拓域貿易有限公司是俄羅斯在上海的采購,貿易公司,主要從事日式 料理食品和其他亞洲食品的進出口貿易。主要產品包括水產、肉禽、果蔬、酒、茶、飲料、調味料、餐飲設備及相關產品。公司亦協助客戶在中國及亞洲地區進行產品采購,提供相應的品質監控、整合運送、財務保障服務,竭誠與客戶建立長遠互利的企業關系。
The main activity of our trading company is importing and exporting foodstuff of Japanese and Asian cuisine. The company offers you big variety of seafood, meat products, vegetables, seaweed, sauces and dressings, alcohol beverages, kitchen equipment, plates and dishes and other products.
The company offers load consolidation inside the country and on China territory with other Asian countries. We provide you necessary quality control. The company provides guarantee for finance service, prepares documents for exporting, and provides control sending loads using all kind of transportation.
We will be glad to partner with you in any of these activities to help you.
Шанхай TOYO - торговая компания, деятельность которой заключается в экспорте и импорте продуктов питания японской и другой азиатской кухни.