Wilhelmsen Huayang Ships Service., Ltd. is a joint venture between Wilh. Wilhelmsen ASA. and Huayang Maritime Centre in China (HYMC, owned by China Maritime Consultation and Service Centre in Beijing, a subordinate organization of the PRC Maritime Bureau under Ministry of Communication). Our mission is to deliver improved vessel operating efficiency to the marine market, with focus on offering best services to various ships.
Wilhelmsen Ships Service is the world's leading maritime services provider, with the capacity to service 2,200 ports in 115 countries. Its focus is to deliver improved vessel operating efficiency to the merchant fleet. Last year Wilhelmsen Ships Service made 208,000 product deliveries to customer vessels and handled 53,000 port calls.
Wilhelmsen Ships Service is part of Wilhelmsen Maritime Services AS, a Wilh. Wilhelmsen group company.
For more information, pls refer to wilhelmsen