威漢營銷傳播集團-創立于2005年,中國業界發展快的傳播營銷機構之一 ,被R3評為2009中國**的廣告公司 ,側重以品牌策劃為核心的整合營銷傳播策劃及執行。公司現有200多名員工分布于香港,上海,北京,南京和廣州。
威漢文化包括四大理念:1) "WE decide" 命運 自己掌控 2) "WE create" 能力 自己創造 3) "WE Include" 人本 團結一家 4) "WE are Proud"自信 專業為榮。威漢營銷傳播集團的客戶包括:奔馳,神州租車,雅詩蘭黛,漢高(施華蔻&絲韻),曼秀雷敦,納愛斯集團,中古電信,丹麥藍罐曲奇,m&m’s巧克力,可果美等。
WE marketing group – the fastest growing independent agency in China, chosen as “Independent Agency of the Year” in 2009 by R3. WE provide one-stop service for marketing communications with over 200 employees in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou and Nanjing.
WE's mission is to help local brands globalize and global brands localize. As the "3rd Force" in China's advertising industry WE marketing group uniquely blends western experiences with local Chinese insights to give our clients the perfect balance of East meets West. WE’s culture includes four beliefs. 1) "WE decide" is the control of our own destiny through independence. 2) "WE create" is the constant passion to innovate ideas and processes. 3) "WE Include" is our one-team attitude that embraces differences to find holistic solutions. 4) "WE are Proud" is the ultimate joy that comes from professionalism in everything we do.
WE marketing group clients include: Mercedes-Benz, China Auto Rental, Estee Lauder, Henkel(Schwarzkopf & Syoss), Mentholathum, Nice Group, China Telecom, Kjeldsens, Mars M&M’s, Kagome, etc..