“微其萬事萬物,積其創意資源,豐其動態學問”,秉承著“微積豐”信條的上海微積豐貿易發展有限公司同微積豐人一道,至1999成立至今,經歷了十年的成長與蛻變。憑借著我們對產品的關注、對事業的專注、對客戶的投入,微積豐在其專攻的客車內飾領域已成為產品與專業服務的象征。2000年微積豐正式成為LG化學獨家指定的“中國客車市場LG PVC卷材產品中國總經銷商”,從此開啟了微積豐公司為中國客車提供內飾件的嶄新篇章。如今我們作為鄭州宇通、蘇州金龍、廈門金龍、安徽安凱、安徽江淮、鹽城中大、金華青年等近四十家客車領域翹楚企業客車地面用材的核心供應商,市場占有份額逐年擴大。依托在客車地面用材領域積累的成功經驗,我們新上馬了軌道車用地板項目,堅持“產品精品化”事業理念,我們與世界的橡膠地板生產商韓國LS公司合作,把優質的產品介紹給中國的各大客車廠。廣大新老客戶,微積豐誓將為您提供專業的服務,把自身發展成為“客戶信賴、員工滿意”的客車內飾件供應商。
With our office located in the most biggest and developed city in China, Shanghai W.J.F Trading Development Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as“W.J.F”) is specialized in the decoration materials of bus and subway business, taking into account also some I&E trading and is one of the core supplier of most of Chinese bus and subway manufacturers. W.J.F was established in 1999 and then became the general agent of LG. KCC and LS floorings in Chinese vehicle market. Till now, it has covered 25% market share in this line and grown up into the largest professional flooring suppliers. Till 2008, W.J.F has sold pvc floorings made in China over the world since it entered into the overseas market in 2005.For the time being, with our great efforts, LG floorings have become the first choice for customers while asking for imported floorings used in the bus. W.J.F will continuously strive to provide Chinese customers with quality and suitable products from Korea and contribute to the trading development between China and Korea.
2.Business Scope
⑴Brand Proxy (LG.KCC and LS)
⑵I&E Trading