萬騰漢資集團是經營國際航運和金融投資的跨國企業。總部設在中國航運、金融中心 - 上海浦東陸家嘴。上海、大連、北京、香港、紐約、洛杉磯和漢堡設有分公司和辦事處,形成以上海為中心,香港、大連為南北支點,北美、歐洲為東西輻射的**運營體系, 涉及自有船舶運輸、船隊經營管理、船舶資產運作、船舶買賣、新造船經紀、工程物流、重大件運輸、海陸空多式聯運;航運基金、船舶融資、物流金融、設備租賃、保險經紀等多個領域。
Welton Hazz Group is an international shipping and financial investment enterprise.
With the headquarter located in Pudong, Shanghai - the center for shipping and financing of China, the group has established branches in Beijing, Dalian, Hong Kong, New York, Los Angles and Hamburg.
Through the global network across eastern and western hemisphere, Welton Hazz Group is eligible to provide extraordinary services in ship management, chartering and operation, project and logistics, multi-mode transportation, brokerage of new building and second hand SNP, assets play, maritime funds, shipping finance, equipment leasing ,as well as marine insurance.