上海維影投資咨訊服務有限公司(CineChina Limited.)是一家專門從事現代化多廳影院的發展、設計、建設和管理的專業投資咨詢公司。公司建立了一支國際化標準的團隊,其中包括了當今中國好的影院建筑師、工程師和一支的后備支持團隊。2006年和接下來的幾年,CineChina 和一部分著名的商業合作伙伴將帶來振奮人心并充滿挑戰的一系列合作項目。
CineChina is a consulting company specializing in the development, design, and construction of state of the art megaplex cinemas throughout China. The Company has established an international team of the best cinema architects and engineers in China today together with a first class support team. CineChina has an exciting and challenging schedule of projects for 2006 and beyond, working with a select number of reputable business partners.