德魯仕植物集團,總部設于比利時,是一家專門從事室內觀賞花卉組織培養及溫室培育的大型公司。 集團公司已在中國市場銷售了將近10年的種苗,正因中國日益增長的市場需求,我集團公司與上海鮮花港建立了合作關系,于2005年成立上海鮮花港德魯仕植物有限公司,將國外先進技術引進中國,在中國本土進行生產銷售。 公司位于上海市南匯區東海農場鮮花港,擁有先進的設備設施,誠邀有志人士加盟。
Deroose Plants is a well-established name in horticulture. What once began as a modest family company has grown to be a prominent international enterprise. From branches in Belgium, the Netherlands, and the United States, Deroose Plants breeds and grows a complete line of indoor plants. Being receptive to new ideas and a close collaboration with the clients, are the keys to the success of Deroose Plants. Creativity in all its aspects forms the basis of the company philosophy. Deroose Plants aims at obtaining exclusivity in its product range and directs its offering in consultation with the client. This means a considerable added value for all concerned. In addition, the company offers its partners/horticultural company's advice and support from expertise based on many years of experience. As one of the major players in the market, Deroose Plants maintains close contacts with both breeders and growers. Both sides reap the benefits of the mutual competencies. Part of the developed products is commercialized. The product range that has not yet been marketed allows one to presume the best for the future of Deroose Plants: Breeding, Growing, Distributing, and Worldwide.