上海心路酒業有限公司是中國專業的智利葡萄酒品牌運營商,智利名酒卡薩伯斯克、G7在中國的品牌大使,是聯系智利與中國、美酒與消費者之間的橋梁。公司由智利Topsun Import Export S.A.發起創立于2008年。
誠信為本,品質為先。智利美酒,天堂里的佳釀。心路酒業旗下擁有眾多智利知名酒莊產品,分別來自智利的五大優質葡萄酒產區。包括巔峰酒王七個山谷、天鷹酒莊,望族名莊塔拉巴嘎、桑塔艾瑪酒莊,貴族精品酒莊卡薩伯斯克,和代表智利釀酒歷史與傳統的世代家族傳承的卡塔維哈與安吉爾酒莊。卡薩伯斯克作為智利優質葡萄酒的典型代表,多次在國際大賽中奪冠摘金,被列入“世界百強葡萄酒”;多款美酒均被“**葡萄酒皇帝”Robert Parker給出90以上的高分,是葡萄酒中的“有價值品牌”。G7當之無愧新生代智利葡萄酒的先鋒,七代釀酒的人生傳奇,以清新明快的風格帶給消費者親民的貴族體驗,雄踞日韓葡萄酒銷量前三甲,現正以兇猛的勢頭深受中國消費者的喜愛。
原汁原味進口美酒,全心全意服務客戶。心路酒業每一瓶美酒均100%原瓶進口,100%葡萄汁釀造和原酒莊裝瓶。我們通過嚴格挑剔的選酒程序來選擇酒品,從而確保產品質量。同時借助智利Topsun Import Export S.A.公司的便利和專業性,我們能夠及時快速地滿足客戶的不同需求,并通過國際資源共享來推廣智利的葡萄酒,以及悠久的葡萄酒文化。
電話:021-31357999 傳真:021-31359907
Shanghai Mindedway Wine Co., Ltd is a wine import service company based in Shanghai, China. Established in 2008 by Topsun Import Export S.A (Chile).
Mindedway Wine Co., Ltd currently import from excellent wine producers in Chile.
Our philosophy is to source quality wine from owned-and-operated vineyards and wineries where possible. Mindedway Wine Co., Ltd is knowledgeable and passionate about quality wine in new world, and have dedicated themselves to sending the message and culture around the world.
When selecting wine to sell, we use a strict process in order to maintain the level of quality that we have built our reputation upon. A panel of avid wine consumers and industry experts assess each wine based on: the brand, winemaker and region; the price and the quality of the wine.
Our portfolio includes a diverse range of many wineries, including Casas Del Bosque, Carta Vieja, Vina Mar, and so on. They are from various wine regions across Chile including Maipo Valley, Rapel Valley, Casablanca Valley, Loncomilla Valley, Maule Valley, Central Valley, etc. Furthermore we represent many of the best brands and winemakers that Chile have to offer.
Now Mindedway have chosen the premium wine from Chile to you, and they will quickly infiltrate into your body, the latent occupy your heart —— That is Mindedway, the way to your mind: Wine in Victory we deserve it, in defeat we need it.
Shanghai Mindedway Wine Co., Ltd
Address: Room 2105, ZhongHuaMen Mansion, No.520, Yishan Road, Shanghai, China
Tel: 021-31357999 Fax: 021-31359907