9519名酒坊――全面革新酒業銷售傳統模式集中展示 優價格 品種豐富 交易便捷9519名酒坊由上海新榮生酒文化管理有限公司傾力打造,已經有兩年的時間,在上海頗具影響力,9519名酒坊整個賣場的銷量占據了上海很大的酒類市場。我們的采購范圍遍及**。以開設酒類賣場,集中優化國內外各種酒類的品牌來向不同顧客推廣酒文化。還向各類餐飲,企業提供團購業務。我們預計在將來的兩年之內新開設20家連鎖酒類賣場。連鎖門店介紹 9519名酒坊目前已經開了3家直營連鎖店:9519名酒坊旗艦店 地址:上海市常德路1168號(近長壽路)9519名酒坊嘉定店 地址:上海市嘉定區塔城路257號(金沙路口)9519名酒坊陸家嘴店 地址:上海市浦東陸家嘴花園石橋路33號花旗集團大廈1樓.即將開業的門店.9519名酒坊新錦江店 地址:上海市盧灣區長樂路161號2樓 (近瑞金路).9519名酒坊蘭溪店 地址:上海市普陀區蘭溪路258號 (近武寧路).9519,famous liquor company ------comprehensive ,revolutionary and trational mode of liquor sales..integrated shows,the most competitive prices,rich spieces, and convenient transactions..9519,famous liquor company has been built by shanghai xinrongsheng liquor culture management limited company for 2 years.the sales turnover of 9519,famous liquor company has taken most of the alcohol market in shanghai. our outstanding purchase team pick excellent product from the whole world. our high-class supermarket spread alcohol culture to different customer by centralizing and optimizing plenty of domestic and foreign alcohol brands. except retail,we also provide business for wholesales.we intend to open 20 chain stores in the recent 2 years..chain stores:.9519,famous liquor company has set up 3 operaion chain stores..9519,famous liquor company main store: no.1168 changde rd.shanghai (close to changshou rd).9519,famous liquor company jiading store: no.257 tacheng rd,jiading district,shanghai(jinsha rd.).9519,famous liquor company lujia store:first floor,huaqi group bilding,no.33 shiqiao rd,lujia garden,pudong district,shanghai.store to be opened:.9519,famous liquor company new jinjiang store: second floor,no.161 changle rd,(close to ruijin rd).9519,famous liquor company lanxi store: no.258 lanxi rd,(close to wuning rd) . . .公司電話 021-52666936 .e-mail:service@9519 .通訊地址:上海市武寧路350號聯合大廈568室 .郵政編碼:200063 .公司名稱:上海新榮生酒文化管理有限公司