先思視覺藝術/先思廣告(上海) 有限公司是一家以創意/視覺設計為導向,并提供策略咨詢及市場方案 服務的專業廣告機構。
公司于2002年成立至今的8年時間里,致力于向中消費品市場提供視覺藝術服務以及大型快銷類跨國企業及部分客戶提供合理有效的創意 解決方案。
Shanghai P.M.Solution is a professional, creation-oriented & designing-oriented advertsing agency. The company provides services of strategy consulting and market solutions.
The company was set up by senior professionals in 2002. It is committed to offering effective and well-grounded solutions to BTL creative markets.
The company has been working closely with large international corporations, mainly FMCG companies including some high-end clients, for a long time during the 8 years. We are always highly estimated among our customers.