上海新天哈瓦那大酒店(Gran Meliá Shanghai)是由上海新天舜華公司投資興建、西班牙Sol Meliá酒店管理集團進行管理一家豪華的五星級酒店。酒店擁有686間住房,座落于聞名遐邇的浦東新區陸家嘴金融貿易中心,步行即可至上海東方明珠電視塔和上海海洋水族館,酒店依傍風景秀麗的黃浦江畔,浦西全景盡收眼底。酒店設計現代時尚,內飾細節高雅出眾,獨特且富有藝術感,體現了21世紀的中國現代藝術設計的無限魅力。
Gran Meliá Shanghai, the 686-room hotel, was investigated by Shanghai Suncuba Co. Ltd and managed by Sol Meliá hotels & Resort, will be located in the Lujia Financial & Trade Zone within the city’s central Business District within walking distance to the famed Oriental Pearl Tower and the Shanghai Ocean Aquarium. The property will boast impressive views of the Huangpu River and the Puxi district and will reflect the modern and contemporary design movement of 21st century China, with a minimalist elegance, impressive high ceilings and elegant furnishings throughout.