過去三十年信息技術經歷了計算時代、通訊時代,當前正步入感知時代和智能時代(物聯網)。計算時代和通訊時代依靠“延續摩爾定律(More Moore)”的半導體技術創新來推動,而感知時代和智能時代的發展則依賴于以“超越摩爾(More than Moore)”為主的微技術跨領域融創新。微技術是以成熟半導體為基礎的多元產品技術,如傳感器、MEMS、光電器件、模擬/射頻IC、功率器件、微能源、生物芯片等。微技術具有投資規模小、產品價值高、應用范圍廣、創新空間大等特點。
把握信息技術發展的歷史機遇,上海微技術工業研究院將充分利用中國成熟半導體的基礎、廣泛的市場以及充沛人才資源等方面的優勢,打造具**影響力的微技術創新中心及 “超越摩爾” 產業群。
In the past thirty years, Information Technology has evolved from Computing (PC era) to Communication (Internet era). In the next decade, Sensing is becoming ubiquitous and Internet of Things (IOT era) will emerge. The Computing and Communication were driven by the advancement in “More Moore” CMOS technology, whereas Sensing/IOT are largely driven by “More than Moore” (MtM) technology fusion innovation such as MEMS, optoelectronics, analog IC, RFIC, power and micro-energy, bio and chemical sensing, etc.
Shanghai Industrial μTechnology Research Institute (SITRI) was established by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Shanghai government to focus on the development and commercialization of “More than Moore” technology. SITRI is an open innovation platform that encompasses an 8” MtM micro-fabrication line, state-of-the-art R&D facilities, engineering services and market intelligence, supply-chain partners and industry consortium, as well as dedicated investment funds.
Leveraging China’s mature Semiconductor industry, fast-growing domestic markets, and increasingly large talent pool, SITRI’s mission is to become a world-class R&D Center that works with global partners to fuel innovations in the next Information Technology revolution.