上海向毅實業有限公司是一家提供世界的紡織工業特殊化學品的供應商。公司擁有一支專業的技術研發、應用檢測、市場服務隊伍,提供一系列符合國際環保標準,應用于上漿織造、染色印花、后整理、涂料和油墨的特殊化學品以及應用解決方案。公司與3M、BASF、Huntsman、SNF、 Tanatex保持長期密切的戰略合作關系,并時刻關注著國際紡織化工市場的發展。
Shanghai Xiangyi CO., Ltd. is a leading specialty chemicals supplier for the global textile industry. Xiangyi has a high quality and professional team which focus on R&D, technical support, and market development. Xiangyi offer a series of specialty chemicals and application solutions for sizing, pro-treatment, dying and printing, finishing compliance with international environment standards. Xiangyi keep a long-term strategic partnership with 3M, BASF, Huntsman, SNF, Tanatex, also keep monitor the international textile chemicals development.
Over the years, Shanghai Xiangyi is committed to promoting “Green Textile Chemical” concept; supply the most advanced products, best technical solutions and security, latest global textile chemicals information according to different customer requirements.