SYNERGY CONSULTANCY is a new expanding company possessing a team of vastly experienced individuals in the consulting and training fields. Essentially, we specialize in providing innovative and applicable training solutions for both multinational and domestic companies operating in China.
We focus on two main areas:
? Business English Language Training
? Professional Skills Training
SYNERGY’S products and services have been tried and tested in the Chinese market with outstanding results and positive feedback. Our client list includes some of the biggest foreign (DELL, Cisco Systems, American Standard, Eaton Bus, Ericsson, OBI and Volvo to name but a few) and Chinese (Jin Mao Group) companies in the world.
? 商務英語培訓
? 職業(yè)技能培訓
協(xié)智所提供的產品與服務,已經在中國的市場中取得了令人振奮的成績和積極肯定的回饋。我們的客戶包括有戴爾(中國)、思科軟件(中國),美標(中國),歐倍德(中國) 和沃爾沃汽車等在內的大型外資企業(yè),還包括有金茂集團在內的大型國有企業(yè)。