我們的團隊集合多達14年的舞美設計、租賃搭建和公關活動經驗, 為國際和本土公司提供公關活動的創(chuàng)意策劃和具體 實施。
我們的媒體網絡和資源 已經從北京上海廣州一線城市滲透到杭州、南京、沈陽、天津、深圳、成都和重慶。
ARTBEAT event Service
ARTBEAT Event Service comprises a team of more than 12 years experiences in stage designing, construction and PR activities. We provide PR concept design, plan and execution for international and domestic clients. We have strong presence in this industry because of our global vision, local know-how, extensive network and resources. Above all, our media networks have extended from first tier cities like Beijing, Shanghai to Hangzhou, Nanjing, Shenyang, Tianjin, Shenzhen, Chengdu and Chongqing.
We offer PR & event plan and management as well as integrated marketing solutions:
1 Integrated marketing solution
2 PR event plan, execution and management
3 AV & lighting equipment leasing
4 Stage design and construction
Management team
Our management is composed of number of leading people who have up to 10 years working experiences in PR, advertising and managerial experience in inter national and domestic firms. They have operated tho usands of events and have great command of everyt hing that required for a successful business event.
We maintain good relationship with related authorities and industry association. Our presence s have reached not only 1st and 2nd tier cities, but al so 70% of the 3rd and 4th tier cities in China, and Hong Kong and Macau as well.
Plan / Design team
Our plan and design team has extensive experience in PR activities. Successful cases were involved in m any business industries. Our unique ideas and interp retation will help you to strengthen the theme of your event and awareness of your image.
The team is composed of many senior design directo rs whose ideas were often well acknowledged by our clients. Elaborated execution plan is tailored for each particular activity.
Execute team
Our execution team is composed of number of top gr ade project mangers, stage designers who have obt ained license from China Performing Arts Associatio n. Supporting team includes more than 50 technician s and onsite supervisors.
We have operated thousands of business events an d enjoy great reputation in the industry. We have sup ported art, sport in m any large scale sport competition and art performanc es each year.
Our series of services help not only the international brand to seek for local success but also local companies to look to the global market.