上海英夫迪貝(INFOBASE, Inc)信息科技有限公司,注冊在上海徐匯楓林科技園區,是一家有深厚技術實力和行業背景的新銳高技術軟件企業,公司主營業務聚焦于高品質云計算平臺解決方案的設計與開發,歡迎有志于前沿云計算技術架構研究和平臺產品開發的青年技術才俊加入我公司,共同發展,分享成長。
公司與中國電信、中國移動等運營商進行友好合作,共同開展云計算中心建設、物聯網平臺架構開發等業務合作項目;公司已與包括Oracle,IBM,華為,EMC在內的國內外多家知名企業建立了合作開發、市場合作等戰略伙伴關系,通過優勢互補、強強聯手的方式,INFOBASE, Inc將逐步成為國內云計算平臺系統開發和推廣的廠商。
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INFOBASE (Shanghai) Technology Co., Ltd., registered in the Shanghai Xuhui Fenglin Technology Park, is a company with strong technical strength and industry background. As a cutting-edge high-tech software company, company's main business interests focus on high-quality Cloud computing platform design and development solutions. We welcome those young talents who are interested in cutting-edge technology of Cloud computing research and product development of infrastructure technology platform, and loyalty to our company and common development and share growth.
Company and China Telecom, China Mobile operators such as friendly co-operation, to conduct a joint Cloud computing center building, property development and other networking platform for business cooperation about project inframe; company has cooperated with Oracle, IBM, Huawei, EMC, including the domestic and foreign multi-famous enterprises to establish a cooperative development, market strategic partnership cooperation,equipped with complementary advantages, and based on the strong combination approach, INFOBASE, Inc will gradually become Cloud computing platform development and promotion of leading manufacturers.