裕光貿易有限公司(MICROLAND LTD) 1982年在香港注冊成立,專業經營和加工粘膠帶業務。其產品廣泛應用于汽車零部件、標牌、電子產品及電梯行業,憑借卓越的產品質量和穩定可靠的性能,贏得了眾多用戶的一致好評。
2000年,成功注冊“裕光”品牌。依托多年的行業經驗及與國際著名企業的合作關系,選擇適合中國市場的粘膠帶系列產品和門窗密封系統產品,以“裕光” 品牌安排生產和銷售。
Company Profile
Microland was established in Hong Kong in 1982, specializing in trade and process of adhesive tapes. Our products are widely used in automobile parts, name plates & emblems, electronics products, elevators & escalators industry. Through superior quality and reliable performance, our products have been enjoyed wide popularity by our business partners and end-users.
In 2000, Microland applied the trademark registration in China. With our extensive knowledge in adhesive tape industry and strong business relationship with reputable manufacturers worldwide, we have been arranging the adhesive tapes and doors & windows sealing profiles from the most competitive manufacturers and selling in the China market with Microland brand.
To cope with the rapid development of market, our company took an active part in transitioning, reforming and adjusting in the organization. In August 2008, our company introduced a full production line and testing equipment. Also, we have established our own manufacturer with R & D center in Songjiang district, Shanghai. Furthermore, we formulated a clear and long-term development strategy turning from “Product Orientation to “Market Orientation”.
Since 2009, we have strengthened our business co-operation with European famous adhesive tape manufacturers, from whom we learnt more comprehensive market information and production technical support. And the original import products we used to carry for domestic market are now mostly replaced by our self-produced products. Moreover we are exporting our products now to European and Southeast Asia market with expansion on products variety with performance upgrades.
As a professional manufacturer and supplier of adhesive tapes, we always focus on the principal of meeting our customer’s every need and solving their problems. We will be devoted to supply our customers with tailor-made,high-quality products and professional application solutions.