AsiaMedia provides world-class strategic communications consulting services to top companies in China and the region. Our goal is to help our clients project public profiles that contribute to the achievement of their strategic objectives – and that make a difference to the bottom line. AsiaMedia’s competitive edge arises from a combination of tools that are not found together nearly often enough in the communications business experience and strategic judgment; a strong network of contacts in the media, regional business and government; exceptional in-house, bi-lingual writing and design skills; and professional account management.
亞京咨詢為中國和亞洲地區的企業提供世界級的戰略公關咨詢服務。我們幫助客戶進行公關規劃,以達到他們的戰略目標—這對客戶至關重要。 亞京咨詢的競爭力來自于我們的綜合實力,我們將豐富的公關經驗和戰略判斷、強大的媒體、企業和政府部門的聯絡能力、的雙語寫作和設計、以及專業的客戶服務結合