nurun chinanurun china (formerly china interactive), based in shanghai, is part of nurun inc. it is one of the leading interactive marketing agency in china with over 70 staff, providing global and local blue-chip clients with services ranging from integrated marketing communications strategies to web development and online loyalty programs. founded in 1998, it was a pioneer in its field and became the most established web agency in shanghai. nurun china has worked with a wide variety of companies and organizations, including: olay, vidal sassoon, pantene, braun, safeguard, colgate, chivas, malibu, faw-volkswagen, audi and pierre fabre. nurun 中國nurun中國(其前身為china interactive),總部位于上海,是nurun**集團的一部分,作為中國的互動營銷代理公司之一,公司現有70多名員工,為國內外客戶提供整合營銷傳播戰略、網站開發和網絡忠誠度計劃。公司創立于1998年,不僅作為行業內的領導者,更已成為上海成熟的網絡代理公司之一。nurun中國合作的眾多公司與組織包括:玉蘭油、沙宣、潘婷、博朗、舒膚佳、高露潔、芝華士、malibu、一汽-大眾、奧迪以及pierre fabre。 nurun inc.nurun inc. a subsidiary of quebecor media inc., is a global company which strategizes, executes and measures interactive programs that use technologies. from building awareness to acquiring and retaining customers, nurun’s solutions provide exceptional user experiences that enable e-commerce transactions while leveraging the lifetime value of client relationships. since it was founded in 1985, nurun has worked with a wide variety of companies and organizations including: l’oréal, groupe danone, at&t, louis vuitton, thales, home depot, pleasant holidays, renault, europcar, microsoft (msn), equifax, telecom italia and the government of quebec. nurun’s centers of expertise employ more than 800 professionals in canada, the united states, europe and china. for more information, please visit nurun 加拿大傳媒巨人魁北克傳媒集團子公司nurun inc.,是一家運用新技術為互動項目制定策略、執行開發并衡量執行效果的**性公司。從擴大品牌影響力到獲得消費者,nurun在互動營銷以及電子商務領域的專業經驗,使得電子商務交易的同時提升客戶關系價值成為可能。自1985年成立開始,nurun就與各種不同類型的公司或組織合作,包括:歐萊雅、達能集團,at&t,路易威登,thales,home depot,pleasant holidays,雷諾,europcar,微軟(msn),equifax,意大利電信以及魁北克政府,并在加拿大、美國、歐洲和中國共擁有近800名專業員工。欲了解更多關于nurun的信息,請登錄nurun。