雅立展覽是專業的展覽裝修、展廳、專賣店、博物館等工程設計、制作、安裝、異地布展和器材租賃的綜合性企業.位于中國上海,并有戰略合作伙伴位于德國、瑞士、新加坡、香港。展覽會的規模和地點對于我們來說都不是問題,和**的合作伙伴一起,雅立展覽提供世界級的、多國團隊的設計和制作服務。以出其不意的創意激勵并影響消費者,并快速建立品牌知名度,提高銷量,拓展銷售渠道,打造企業強勢品牌。我們的客戶有來自**和地區的領導品牌和企業。我們可以為您的品牌重新定位、重新思考您的市場策略,創造印象深刻及具有世界水準的展臺迎接跨區域的傳播挑戰。 我司在上海南區擁有面積4000平方米的制作工廠, 一支擁有多年施工經驗、技藝精湛的制作隊伍,并擁有木業機器多臺、現代化烤漆房一間, 泵機、電機、烘箱等,采用新的設備和對高品質的需求和材料創新性的使用,使得雅立展覽可以提供歐洲展臺制作的質量(以國內的價格),這也是我們擁有大批歐美合作伙伴和客戶的主要原因。 與此同時,我們的供應商能夠滿足我們的特殊需要,比如AV設備、美工、家具、主持人。
About Us
Arie Expo is a comprehensive company, engaged in design & building of exhibition booth, showroom, exclusive shop, museum, and equipments renting, with headquarters in Shanghai China, and multiple strategic locations including Germany, Switzerland, Singapore, UK, India, Japan, Hong Kong, etc. The scale or location of the exhibition poses no problem. Arie Expo, together with our global partners, provides world-class and multi-national professional services. To affect consumers with surprising and inspire creativity, and build brand awareness quickly, increase sales, expand sales channels, and make a strong brand of company .Our clients come from global and regional leading brands and enterprises. We can reposition your brand, to rethink your marketing strategy, creating an impressive and has a world class exhibition to meet the challenges spread across the regions.
We have a 4,000sqm factory in Shanghai. A dedicated team of experienced highly skilled craftsmen use the latest equipment to work efficiently with a wide variety of materials. The demand for high quality and innovative use of materials is paramount in this ever evolving marketplace. Arie Expo builds stands in European standards with local price. That's why we keep many European partners & clients. Meanwhile, we've got great partners who can meet our special needs of audio visual system, graphics, furniture, MC, interpreters, etc.