Established in 2002, Pacific Food Management Corporation (PFMC) is a company committed to the search for excellence, the passion for quality, and the goal for setting the standards of the service industry. We are the distributor of the world-renowned Philibert ROUTIN 1883 syrups, BRISTOT Coffee, our own tri-certified ESTATE COFFEE fresh roasted organic coffee beans, ELEKTRA espresso machines, TAYLORS of HARROGATE teas and LYONS designer sauces from Europe and the United States.
上海義式經貿成立于2002年,致力于提供高品質的餐飲物料及服務。我們經銷多種餐飲相關的食材及設備。其中包括舉世聞名的法國天然果露ROUTIN 1883、英國皇家愛用的泰勒茶Taylors of Harrogate、意大利BRISTOT咖啡豆、ESTATE新鮮烘焙有機咖啡豆、美國CAPPUCCINE冰沙粉、LYONS果泥及裝飾醬、意大利ELEKTRA專業咖啡機等。