映象集團,成立距今已經20年,總部位于。旗下品牌有映象餐飲經營管理公司和映象唱片公司。映象餐飲經營管理公司主要經營藏瓏泰極、淡水老鎮、Armoon Lounge Bar。旗下藏瓏泰極Lapis Thai走得是精品泰國菜路線,秉承引進地道的泰國味道,然后結合中國的飲食習慣,進行適當改良.并且讓客人從餐廳的環境和服務都能感受到泰國和中國元素的結合。映象唱片作為眾多世界知名電子音樂廠牌在華語地區的合作伙伴,致力于不斷推廣和推動電子音樂在華語地區的發展。
Highnote Group has been established for 20 years in Taiwan. The Group have Highnote food&beverage management corp. Ltd and Highnote Records。. Lapis Thai、Genoa、Armoon Lounge Bar are the main business of Highnote food&beverage management corp.Ltd。Lapis Thai introduction of the most authentic taste of Thailand, and then on the basis of eating habits of China to improve. The combination of elements between China and Thailand, You will whisk yourself to Thailand for a moment of the elegant environment and authentic Thai food.. HighNote Records as the partners of many global leading electronic music labels in the Chinese region,is committed to continuing efforts to promote the development of electronic music.
藏瓏泰極Lapis Thai是映象餐飲經營管理公司全力打造的又一餐飲品牌,其他主要品牌有映象唱片、淡水老鎮GENOA、 Armoon Lounge Bar。藏瓏泰極主要經營泰國美食,獨樹一幟的泰國風情主題餐廳結合餐廳與酒吧的雙重功能經營理念和飲食文化。藏瓏泰極Lapis Thai走得是精品泰國菜路線,秉承引進地道的泰國味道,然后結合中國的飲食習慣,進行適當改良.并且讓客人從餐廳的環境和服務都能感受到泰國和中國元素的結合。歡迎來我們的網站,與我們聯系:lapisthai
Lapis Thai is built as another restaurant brand by Highnote food & beverage management corp. Ltd. Other major brands such as Highnote Records、Genoa、Armoon Lounge Bar.Lapis Thai mainly engaged in Thai cuisine, unique Thai style, combination of theme Thai restaurants and lounge bars .Exquisite Thai cuisine,introduction of the most authentic taste of Thailand, and then on the basis of eating habits of China to improve. The combination of elements between China and Thailand ,You will whisk yourself to Thailand for a moment of the elegant environment and authentic Thai food.
藏瓏泰極Lapis Thai主打泰國菜,泰國菜的特點是大量運用天然水果與椰漿,烹調作料和技法變化多樣的菜肴。以酸辣口味見長。同時泰國菜非常講究色彩的搭配,色彩繽紛,但是不會添加任何色素,都是用蔬菜自身的色彩調制而出。有很多調料是東南亞甚至是泰國特有的。我們特地請了來自泰國從廚多年的主廚,帶來了傳統泰國美食,將真正的原汁原味帶到了上海。
Thai food is characterized by extensive uses of natural fruits and kaya, condiments and cooking techniques of diverse dishes. Lots of spices are from Southeast Asia and even Thailand are endemic. Lapis Thai now is just like its name, bring the real Thai cuisine to shanghai.
Lapis Thai provides you of various indoor and outdoor venues which can hold 10-400 people. Not only the parties, weddings, events, conference, but also a close friend of small gathering or a large-scale business activity, we can customize the menu for your particular need. A reasonable price, professional services will be your best choice for organizing activities.
大拇指店:這里是上海的又一新坐標,時尚,絢麗,藏瓏泰極Lapis Thai卻在這大型商業圈中搭建了屬于自己的空中花園。餐廳整體風格將古今風格,東西潮流融匯貫通,餐區好似容納在園林中,泰式結合東方元素的風格,除所有的裝飾品由泰國進口外,其他的布局和隔斷,包括燈具,都充滿了東方的神韻,給人輕松,自由的舒適享受,讓人恍若在遙遠的度假地享受這美妙時光。
Here is another new Shanghai coordinate, fashion & gorgeous. Lapis Thai structures their own hanging garden. In such a fast-paced city, the feel of a well-care.The overall style of restaurant is ancient and modern style,the Thai style combined with Oriental elements, in addition to all of the decorations were imported from Thailand, the other layout and cut off, including lights, are full of the spirit of the East.You will enjoy this wonderful time in Lapis Thai.
大拇指店(Thumb Plaza store)
No.19 Lane199 Thumb Plaza, Fangdian Rd,Pudong Shanghai
Lapis Thai (Tianzifang Store) will lead you begin a period of time and space journey. Nostalgic atmosphere around you,tasting of authentic Thai curry,the mood can be captured and shared only at this moment .
田子坊店(Tianzifang store)
No.14 Lane 248 Taikang Rd, Luwan District ,Shanghai
湖南路店:沒有到過湖南路的人,很難體會到上海西區老馬路的靜謐和幽雅。馬路兩旁的老別墅里裝滿了老克勒的風流韻事,泛著銀光的留聲機上,一張老唱片吱呀呀地轉著,吟唱著屬于老上海的愛情,像張愛玲的書,像阮玲玉的戲。藏瓏泰極Lapis Thai 湖南路店坐落在鬧市中的世外桃源,遠離塵俗,與自己的心靈盡情對話 。
It is difficult to feel serenity and elegant , if you never been to Hunan Road. Lapis Thai (Hunan Road) located in downtown of paradise, away from this mortal life, talk with your heart.Here is full of stories of old Shanghai,and singing of love which belongs to the old Shanghai, such as Zhang Ailing's books or the show of Ruan Lingyu.
湖南路店(HuNan rd store)
No.285, Hunan Rd, Xuhui District, Shanghai
首屈一指的料理 小吃 冰品 咖啡
Classic Taiwan cuisine,Local snacks,Sorbet,Coffee
Experience a gourmet paradise and local conditions and customs from Taiwan.
Continuation of the excellent Danshui Town food culture,but also combines the authentic tastes of Taiwan.
Braised pork rice,Oyster omelet,Hanker's noodle soup
Very far away from Danshui Town,but feel close here.
No.19,Lane199, Thumb Plaza Fangdian Rd,Pudong,Shanghai
映象唱片一直致力于代理進口多元化的音樂類型專輯,廣泛包含現今歐美知名電子舞曲,如House , Trance , Progressive , Minimal等,及深受時尚人士喜愛的Lounge, Chillout, Nu Jazz ,Bossa nova等。映象唱片秉持帶領華語世界新潮流及提供高品質音樂的理念,及專業音樂素養,讓所有樂迷能夠一飽耳福,同時了解當下具話題性及IN的音樂文化,不但為華語世界的音樂市場增加不少活力與色彩,也讓HIGH NOTE成為品位聆聽與時尚音樂的代名詞。
藏瓏泰極Lapis Thai,淡水老鎮目前餐廳內所播放的音樂都是由映象唱片所提供的,按照每家店不同的環境,氣氛定制不同的音樂曲目,也會根據不同的時段,播放節奏感不同的音樂,為的就是能讓你在視覺,聽覺,味覺上的三重享受。
NO.4 Back Door,Lane274,Taikang Rd,Luwan District,Shanghai
hinote (online shopping)