Shanghai Young Strong International Trade Company is a professional and leading exporter of OEM and aftermarket auto parts in China. We have been offering a wide variety of OEM standard and applicable parts to international distributors and wholesalers.
We mainly offer auto parts of Audi, Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Opel and Ford. Our customers come from North American, Europe, Australia, Canada, Asia and Russia; most of them are the leading auto parts companies in their markets.
We work very closely with numerous ISO, QS and VDA approved manufactories and OEM manufactories in China which provide us the goods with best quality at very competitive price.
Our company dedicates not only to promote our own brand but also to develop and manufacture the new products according to the customers' samples. We can also print the logo and labels for our clients based on their requirement.
For more information, please check the website.
公司成立于2003年, 擁有自營進出口資格,主營業務為汽車配件外貿業務,主要出口的配件車型為奧迪大眾,奔馳,寶馬,歐寶,福特等。公司經過幾年的發展,出口地區包括西歐,東歐,北美,澳大利亞及俄羅斯等地區。現在在原來外貿穩定的基礎下發展進口品牌代理的國內業務, 在公司成長發展的重要階段, 尋求有經驗的銷售一起開拓市場, 共同建立一個有效率的團隊, 在汽車配件國內銷售領域占據比較成功的市場份額。公司注重個人的發展和公司共同發展,希望有理想有抱負的熱愛汽車配件事業的人士一起加入我們的大家庭。