?· 上海兆辰國際物流有限公司成立于2009年4月,并列與上海兆龍國際物流有限公司,上海兆辰物流有限公司,上海兆虎國際貿易有限公司,上海保稅物流園區兆寅貿易有限公司等全資公司組成了強大的供應鏈服務體系。公司總部設在上海,并依托其兄弟公司的資源已建立起了覆蓋中國、遍及**主要經濟區域的代理及服務網絡,以自有報關行、車隊、貨站和倉庫為載體,實現了以綜合物流為主業,集海、陸、空貨運、倉儲碼頭服務、船務代理及貨運代理業務為一體的多元化服務。在實踐中,培育和形成了綜合物流所必須的全程方案設計、組織、協調、管理等綜合服務能力,展望未來,我們有信心和能力,通過不斷的努力和創新把兆辰國際打造成為融國際化物流經營理念、的經營管理團隊和先進的專業技術于一體的中國先進物流企業, 為廣大客戶提供多元化的優質服務。
?· Shanghai Morning International Logistics (Shanghai Morning) was founded on April, 2009, the group is in possession of 5 major entities, namely, Shanghai ZLONG International Logistics CO.,LTD, Shanghai Morning Logistics CO., LTD, Shanghai MEGAHOO International Trade CO.,LTD & Shanghai Waigaoqiao BLP MEGASPIN Logistics CO., LTD. With headquarter set up in Shanghai, Shanghai Morning. Through many resources in the transportation and logistics field, Shanghai Morning has successfully built a network covering all over China and major economic areas of the world, a strong customer base and a world-renowned brand has been established. Shanghai Morning operates logistics as major business with an integration of air & ocean transportation, land transport, warehousing, terminal handling, shipping agency and freight forwarding services. Based on facilities of self-owned Custom Brokerage, truck fleets, CFS & warehouses, Shanghai Morning has nourished and formed the capabilities necessary in designing one-stop solutions and organizing, coordinating, managing in logistics services. Now the group has become one of the leading integrated logistics service providers in China. Shanghai Morning will keep being dedicated to satisfying customers demand and commit to our goal of becoming a first-class quality and multi-functional service provider in China.